Friday, January 4, 2008

Introduction to Computers

Computer a days without this we can't live. It became as a part of our life.It can be used for many day to day works.The main use of it is Internet browsing.

Many companies are producing computers.Some of them are...Intel,IBM,HP,Apple,Lenovo,Zenith,Sahara.
In computers we have many types.Mainly we can divide into two,Portable and non portable.Laptops come under portable computers. We can take them to any place and do computing.It runs with battery and its size is very less compared to desktop PC.Many business people and travelling people use it. Other type is Desktop PC ( Personal Computer).Generally we use these type of computers in Homes and offices.These are very big in size compared to Laptops.But these computers are more powerful than Laptops.
Computer is the combination of many parts.The main parts are..
4.Keyboard and mouse.
We discuss About these parts in next posts.

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