Processor (CPU):
Processor is like heart to the computer.All operations of the computer are processed by this microprocessor. It is a integrated circuit which is fabricated on a small chip.All logic circuits are fabricated on this single chip only using transistors.Firstly we had 8-bit microprocessors.Later they are replaced by 16-bit.Then we have got 32 bit microprocessors.Presently we are using 64 bit microprocessors.Latest 64 bit processor is Intel Pentium 4 ,3.06 GHz.Today's microprocessors are very powerful .We have also got multi core processors.They can multiply the performance of processor.The latest multi core microprocessor for home PC is Intel Core 2 Duo.many companies are producing these chips.The main are..Intel,AMD(Advanced Micro Devices),IBM,Sun Micro systems.The processors speed is measured in Hertz's.It is also known as Clock Speed.It means that how many instructions per second the processors can execute.We use heat sinks to protect the processor from over heating.
Processor is like heart to the computer.All operations of the computer are processed by this microprocessor. It is a integrated circuit which is fabricated on a small chip.All logic circuits are fabricated on this single chip only using transistors.Firstly we had 8-bit microprocessors.Later they are replaced by 16-bit.Then we have got 32 bit microprocessors.Presently we are using 64 bit microprocessors.Latest 64 bit processor is Intel Pentium 4 ,3.06 GHz.Today's microprocessors are very powerful .We have also got multi core processors.They can multiply the performance of processor.The latest multi core microprocessor for home PC is Intel Core 2 Duo.many companies are producing these chips.The main are..Intel,AMD(Advanced Micro Devices),IBM,Sun Micro systems.The processors speed is measured in Hertz's.It is also known as Clock Speed.It means that how many instructions per second the processors can execute.We use heat sinks to protect the processor from over heating.
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